Make 2019 Your Best Year

The holidays are a great time of year. Friends, family, and co-workers gather together and bond with each other. People tend to be in a better mood and there’s a different feeling in the air. Another common theme is to make a new year’s resolution. A lot of us brush this under the rug, myself included, because I’ve always thought it was pretty lame.

The New Era of Digital Marketing

One of my new favorite shows is Mad Men, a show about a group of men and women who work for a 1960’s marketing agency on the famous Madison Avenue in New York City. It is an excellent show that highlights the culture and sometimes absurdity of that decade. The biggest thing I think about, however, is the huge difference between how marketing was done back then and now.

Tyson Fury: The Gypsy King

I was watching boxing with a couple friends on a Saturday night last week, something I enjoy doing when I have the opportunity. There were some great fighters with a lot of charisma and the matches were all good. However, there was one fighter who really stood out to me as they were telling his story. They introduced him as Tyson Fury: The Gypsy King.

The Daily Struggle: Being Content vs Wanting More

Cognitive Dissonance is defined as the ‘mental discomfort, or psychological stress, experienced by a person who simultaneously holds two or more contradictory beliefs, ideas, or values.’ This is a concept I learned in Psychology 101 that stuck with me over the years. I also see it pop up in articles and books from time to time. Last weekend was Thanksgiving and I was thinking about all the things I’m thankful for.

Is College Worth it? Be a Lifelong Learner

I graduated from college in 2015 with a Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration and a concentration in Marketing. I had a 3.27 GPA and worked two unpaid internships. I knew that getting a job in my field would be difficult, but was confident that I would get a decent job within 2 years or so. I made sure I built strong connections with my professors and did a lot of networking on LinkedIn. I really upped my resume and made sure I had great references.

Happiness is the Best ROI

I was scrolling through Facebook last week when I ran into a video from Gary Vaynerchuk, one of my biggest inspirations and favorite entrepreneurs. I wish I could remember the exact title or where I found the video, but I remember the message: Happiness is the best ROI.

100 Blog Views and over 50 Instagram Followers! Thank you!

This isn't one of my usual articles, but I just wanted to take a minute to thank all of you. I started Hustle Planet two weeks ago as a hub for fitness, business, and motivational content. The overall message of this blog is self-improvement, and I hope I can inspire a lot of you and help improve some lives. This is a project that I had been planning for a couple months, and seeing it come to life has been amazing. I hope I can reach out to a lot more of you over the following months and hopefully years.

The Power of Social Media: Sharing Knowledge and Free Marketing

It is undeniable to say that Social Media has changed the way we digest information. Every morning hundreds of millions of people, if not more, scroll through their Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or Snapchat feeds to see what is going on in the world. We want to see what our friends are doing, what crazy thing that politician said, follow celebrities, and browse through a lot of junk to find the good stuff.

5 Effective Ways to Beat Depression and Anxiety

Depression and anxiety are an unfortunate part of life for millions of Americans. According to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America (ADAA) over 40 million Americans suffer from some sort of anxiety disorder, and those are just the cases we know about. The Association cites the risk factors as genetics, brain chemistry, personality, and life events.

What’s Stopping You From Exercising?

When someone mentions ‘exercise’ or starts talking about their latest trip to the gym, there are two common reactions: a groan (with an eye roll for dramatic effect) or guilt. The truth is a lot of Americans, and people around the world, either don’t exercise or do exercise but hate every minute of it.

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